Auxiliary of Lawrence + Memorial Hospital Sponsors Afternoon Tea at Ocean House
For 100 years, the Auxiliary of Lawrence + Memorial Hospital has been supporting the goals of the hospital and raising funds for supplemental programming such as parenting programs, massage and alternative health programs, the chaplaincy, Career Day, the magazine cart, the sewing group, blood pressure monitoring, women’s heart health initiatives, the Cancer Center and much more.
Key Dates and Information
What: Afternoon Tea Party sponsored by Auxiliary of L + M Hospital
When: Saturday, April 18, 2015 from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Where: Ocean House, 1 Bluff Ave, Westerly (Watch Hill Area), RI 02891
How: Tickets are $50 and can be purchased at the Hospital Lobby Shop, or obtained by contacting Kate Rotella at or call Brenda Kramer at (860) 447-3662.
Auxiliary of Lawrence + Memorial Hospital Sponsors Afternoon Tea
at Ocean House
Watch Hill, RI – The Auxiliary of Lawrence + Memorial (L + M) Hospital is holding an Afternoon Tea Party at the Ocean House in Watch Hill, Rhode Island, on Saturday April 18 from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm. Also, both a Chinese Auction and silent auction will be held during the event. Tickets are $50. All proceeds will benefit the L + M Cancer Center and Hospital Programs.