L+M Auxiliary to Host Valentine's Dance
For 100 years, the Auxiliary of Lawrence + Memorial Hospital has been supporting the goals of the hospital and raising funds for supplemental programming such as parenting programs, massage and alternative health programs, the chaplaincy, Career Day, the magazine cart, the sewing group, blood pressure monitoring, women’s heart health initiatives, the Cancer Center and much more.
Key Dates and Information
What: Valentine’s Day Dance & Auction sponsored by Auxiliary of L + M Hospital with music by The Cartells.
When: Saturday, February 7, 2015 from 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM
Where: Port’N Starboard Room, Ocean Beach Park, New London, CT 06320
How: Tickets are $25 and can be obtained by calling Gay Clarkson at (860) 574-9507 or Brenda Kramer at (860) 447-3662. Tickets can be purchased at the door for $30.
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The Auxiliary of Lawrence + Memorial (L + M) Hospital is holding a Valentine’s Day Dance on Saturday February 7 from 7:00 – 11:00 PM at the Port and Starboard Room at Ocean Beach Park with music played by The Cartells, a Chinese Auction, hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar. Tickets are $25 and $30 if purchased at the door. All proceeds will benefit Heart Health Programs and the L + M Cancer Center. Dance the night away and have fun for a good cause!