Robert E. Fitch High School is seeking 6 business professionals to volunteer to interview students. Mock Interview Volunteers Sought by Fitch High School
The students are gearing up for their final exams. For Shelly O’Neal-Kegler’s Cooperative Work Experience class, she is hoping to have community members do mock interviews for them. The students' grade will depend on different pieces of the process (i.e. resume, cover letter, interview, dress).
Interview schedules:
Four volunteers needed for June 15th from 10:50 - 12:00.
Two volunteers needed on June 18th from 7:25 - 8:45.
The job that they are going to pretend to apply for is a Playground Supervisor for the City of Groton Parks and Recreation Department. A position description will be supplied.
The interviewers should act as if this was a real interview and ask questions as such. They should also include an illegal question that should not be asked in an interview. Shelly would like to see how the students handle themselves when this happens. It will also be expected that the students ask the interviewers at least one question of the position and/or business.
If you are interested in participating, please contact:
Shelly O'Neal-Kegler
(860) 961-8311
Robert E. Fitch High School
Business Educator
Robert E. Fitch High School - Business Education Department
Shelly O'Neal-Kegler Business Educator/Mentor