March 4, 2021SB 884: An Act Reducing Transportation Related Carbon Emissions
TO: Joint Committee on Environment
RE: S.B. 884 An Act Reducing Transportation Related Carbon Emissions
Dear Committee members:
I am writing today on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce of Eastern Connecticut regarding S.B. 884 An Act Reducing Transportation-Related Carbon Emissions. The proposed legislation provides a strong concept to reduce one of the highest sources of emissions through a regional approach with neighboring states. Reducing carbon emissions is a priority we cannot ignore, but additionally, careful analysis of the financial impact on residents and businesses must be part of the implementation.
Funding these transportation initiatives can create affordable access to clean transportation choices and bring job growth in areas that benefit Connecticut's sustainable future. The goals of addressing inequities in communities most impacted by poor air quality and benefiting those currently underserved by the transit system are important aspects of the proposal.
The Chamber supports all efforts to mitigate pollution and to improve the health of our environment. To this end, the Chamber supports the passage of S.B. 884.
Tony Sheridan
President and CEO, Chamber of Commerce of Eastern Connecticut