Norwich Branch NAACP

Norwich Branch NAACP


Social Advocacy OrganizationsNon Profit

About Us

The NAACP has as its mission the goal of eliminating race prejudice and removing all barriers of racial discrimination through democratic process. This mission is accomplished by seeking the enactment and enforcement of federal, state and local laws securing civil rights, and by informing the public of the adverse effects of racial discrimination.


Mrs. Jacqueline "Mother" Owens - President Emerita (In Memoriam)
NAACP Youth Members - Throwback photo
Branch President Dianne M. Daniels with FBI Outreach Specialist Charles Grady
Congressman Joseph Courtney addresses 2017 Freedom Fund Gala attendees
Members of Norwich PD at 2017 Juneteenth Celebration
Rev. George Blair, United Congregational Church in Norwich, addresses attendees at the 2017 MLK Luncheon at Norwich Free Academy