Ferries & Marine Transportation
Getting there is half the fun! Travel to Block Island on the fastest ferry from the mainland and arrive in scenic Old Harbor, Block Island within walking distance of shops, restaurants and the best white sandy beaches in the Northeast. Frequent daily departures. The JESSICA W is a 49-meter (approx. 160 ft.) wave-piercing catamaran. Owned and operated by Block Island Ferry Services, the JESSICA W has a cruising speed of more than 35 knots (40 mph), making it the fastest ferry serving Block Island and the mainland. The vessel is equipped with comfortable and sleek, modern airline-style seating on two enclosed air-conditioned passenger decks. An outside passenger deck is available on the JESSICA W for viewing the scenery on the trip between New London and Block Island. Other passenger amenities include a satellite television entertainment system and innovative culinary offerings including an espresso bar, homemade pastries, bagels and luncheon selections.