Civic & Social Organizations
Read To Ride, Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization designed to award children in the Norwich and Montville school systems with a bicycle, helmet and bike lock for their participation in a reading incentive program. This program is designed not only to exercise the mind through reading, but also the body through exercise. The organization is a result of the collaboration of individuals who have a long history of community and public service, Former Norwich mayor Benjamin P. Lathrop, Montville Councilman Billy Caron, Norwich Director of Planning Peter Davis and Peter Maneri, Certified Public Accountant constitute the officers of Read To Ride, Inc. The Read To Ride, Inc. board will provide a bicycle, helmet and lock to one boy and one girl in the first through fifth grades who participate in a voluntary reading incentive program. Weekly, students read outside of school for a specific time period and complete a reading log which entitles them to receive a ticket for the drawing for bike, helmet, and lock. At a school-wide assembly, before the end of the school year, a drawing in each school will be held and one boy and one girl per grade level will be awarded with the bike, helmet and lock.