Services for the Elderly or Disabled
Non Profit
The Arc Quinebaug Valley and The Arc New London County merged in July 2019 to form The Arc Eastern Connecticut. Our mission is to partner with people living with intellectual and developmental disability (IDD) for EQUAL participation and inclusion in the communities of eastern Connecticut. Our vision is that The Arc Eastern Connecticut will be eastern Connecticut’s leader in partnering and advocating for equality of opportunity and equality of choice. Both agencies were established in 1952 by parents of children with IDD in order to ensure equal participation and choice in school, in the workplace, and in their communities. Combining program and staff strengths, The Arc Eastern Connecticut now provides advocacy and supports to over 800 people with IDD and their families across the entire eastern CT region. Our dedicated Board of Directors and our caring and professional staff have provided us with the ability to build programming and employee training modules in ways that greatly reinforce the mission and vision of our founding families who established both The Arc NLC and The Arc QV over six decades ago.The Arc Eastern Connecticut
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