You earned it…now it’s time to save and protect it. Outsmart the thieves with these five tips:Outsmart Tax Refund Thieves with 5 Tips from Liberty Bank
It’s tax time which means more money thieves are on the loose. There are two common ways that thieves steal tax refunds: filing someone else’s taxes using their Social Security number and W2 or taking tax information out of the mail. Social Security numbers are easy for criminals to get – either by going through mail; calling and pretending to be a reputable contact, also known as social engineering; or sending fraudulent emails acting as a credible source, also known as phishing. This is increasingly popular among criminals with billions of dollars at risk.
As your trusted financial partner, we’re providing you with some useful tips for protecting your 2016 tax information – if you haven’t filed yet – and future returns.
Real-time solutions
If you believe you’re a victim of tax refund fraud, fill out IRS Form 14039 to alert the agency right away. The IRS will track the fraudulent activity every step of the way and get your money back as quickly as possible.
You may also want to freeze your credit reports with all three major credit bureaus. The Federal Trade Commission recommends filing a complaint as well as an identity theft report with your local police department. In addition, contact your financial institutions, and be sure to annually check your Social Security earnings statement.
For additional information, please visit: liberty-bank/privacy-and-security.