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Save on rentals with Avis & Budget

Travel & Lodging Transportation

Save up to 35% off Avis & Budget base rates plus other great offers

Members of the Chamber of Commerce of Eastern Connecticut can save up to 35% off base rates with 'Pay Now' on your next car rental, plus enjoy additional offers like dollars off, a complimentary upgrade, or a free weekend day. 

About Avis:
Avis Car Rental operates one of the world's best-known car rental brands with approximately 5,450 locations in more than 165 countries. Avis has a long history of innovation in the car rental industry and is one of the world's top brands for customer loyalty.

With a complimentary membership in Avis Preferred®, you’ll travel better, save time and gain access to exclusive offers. Skip the counter and paperwork at many locations and go straight to your car. 

Visit www.avis.com/800members or call 1-800-331-1212 to make a reservation: use code AWD# D423500

About Budget:
Budget Car Rental is one of the world's best-known car rental brands with approximately 3,350 locations in more than 120 countries. Budget is an industry leader in providing vehicle rental services to value-conscious travelers and also operates the second-largest truck rental business in the United States, through a network of approximately 1,650 locations.

With a complimentary membership in Budget Fastbreak, enjoy our fastest, easiest rental experience! 

Visit www.budget.com/800members or call 1-800-527-0700 to make a reservation: use code (BCD) D836600

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