Economic Programs
Mission: To administer the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development?s Community Development Block Grant program and other federally funded community improvement programs funded in a manner that complies with applicable laws and that benefits low and moderate-income people, as charged by the Community Development Act of 1974. Description of Services: Property Rehabilitation: Private homeowners and/or investors with property in the City of Norwich (who rent to low or moderate-income people) may be eligible for property rehabilitation loans at 0% interest. These loans may be used for lead abatement or other repairs needed to make the property compliant with the local building code. Lead Abatement: The programs goals and objectives are to make priority-housing unites within Norwich ?Lead-Safe?. It is the goal of this program to insure availability of safe, clean and affordable housing units. Funding to property owners will be in the form of deferred payment loans/grants. The intent of providing this type of financing is to encourage participation and preservation of affordable housing. Program Related Funding: Community Development Block Grant funds are to be used to meet three national objectives. (1) To benefit the Low-to-Moderate Income population in an area/neighborhood, on an individual/family level, on a housing level, and be creating and/or retaining jobs. (2) To eliminate or address issues which have contributed to the deterioration of an area designated as a slum or blighted area. (3) To provide for the alleviation of emergency conditions, termed ?Urgent Need?. These conditions must pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community. An application process for funding takes place beginning in January of every year.Office of Community Development, City of Norwich
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