The Essex Group




Trusted Insight and Advice | Celebrating 38 years of Client Service and Value

We work exclusively with closely held businesses and community-based not-for-profit organizations facilitating progress in the following areas:

Strategy and Alignment: Organizations and their owners go through phases of growth and transition repeatedly over their lifetimes.  Goals and objectives evolve; customers, markets, and technologies change.  It’s not unusual for even the best organizations to lose focus.   We assist them in building vision, focus, clarity, and consensus, achieving new levels of business and personal performance as a result.

Revenue and Profitability:  The long-term sustainability of our clients is important to us.  Too frequently, we see gaps between market opportunity and revenue generation and/or visibility into costs and overhead.  Either or both will drain an organization of its vitality and ability to compete.  Our goal is to help clients build sales and marketing skills and common-sense budgets and controls. 

Organizational Effectiveness: An organization’s people are its greatest asset, but sometimes its greatest frustration.  Growth and evolution can dilute the original vigor if good teamwork is not encouraged and nourished.  Being able to read the culture and keep it positive and enthusiastic are key to ongoing success.

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