Governor Lamont and Commissioner Dykes Statements on EPA Announcement Rolling Back Environmental and Clean Air Regulations

Governor Ned Lamont and Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Commissioner Katie Dykes today released the following statements regarding an announcement from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that it will be rolling back a series of landmark environmental and clean air regulations:

Governor Lamont said, “These rollbacks are especially damaging for downwind states like Connecticut, which rely on federal protections to prevent other states’ pollution from impacting our air quality. While we have made great strides in implementing an entire suite of control strategies to reduce air pollution in Connecticut, because we are a downwind state, only the federal government can address the significant amount of air pollution that originates from outside our borders. Connecticut remains committed to protecting the health and well-being of our residents and our environment. I strongly urge the EPA to reconsider rolling back these critical environmental and public health protections.”

Commissioner Dykes said, “This announcement targets longstanding rules protecting Americans from pollutants like mercury, smog-forming ozone, and other toxic emissions that come from sources like coal-fired power plants and gas-powered vehicles. For nearly 50 years, Connecticut has experienced ozone levels that exceed the National Ambient Air Quality Standards that the EPA set at a level to protect public health. Exceeding this level puts the health of our residents at risk, especially the health of children, the elderly, and individuals with respiratory issues. This EPA announcement attacks the tools we have available to protect our residents.”

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