Chamber Letter of Support for Bill: HB 5446 Preserve Community Access TV 2024

HB 5446 Preserve Community Access TV 2024

To the Members of the Energy & Technology Committee,

I write on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce of Eastern Connecticut to express our strong support for Raised H.B. No. 5446; An act concerning funding for community access television.

The Chamber of Commerce of Eastern Connecticut is very concerned with the steady decline of the traditional media outlets available to distribute important community business news. To this end, in 2024, the Chamber worked with our community access organization to establish an agreement to record a number of important chamber programs to be shared with the broader community through local access TV.

In 2024 the community access studio recorded the following programs: the Chambers' Innovation Center Grand Opening, the Women in Leadership Panel, and a presentation and follow-up Q & A with Senator Blumenthal. These events were televised on Community Access Channels throughout the region and are excellent examples of the value of Community Access Television.

This important resource represents a great opportunity for dispensing valuable and necessary community information, especially at a time when the opportunities for Community communications are limited.

For these reasons and many more, we strongly encourage your support for HB 5446.

Thank you for the opportunity to submit these remarks and for your public service.


Tony Sheridan
President & CEO
Chamber of Commerce of Eastern Connecticut