The mission of the Chamber of Commerce of Eastern Connecticut is to create and maintain a positive business climate that meets the needs of our members by supporting economic development and growth in the region. This may mean advocating for legislation that enhances workforce development and education opportunities, streamlines government operations, and promotes tourism, or opposing legislation that would increase the cost of doing business or create systemic inefficiencies. We envision a vibrant region with a strong identity, and the Chamber acts as an inclusive “voice of business” in Hartford and Washington alike. Our legislative tracking software allows us to monitor bills proposed at the state and federal levels that may impact our region’s businesses, nonprofits, and/or residents, providing a summary of the bill, its sponsors and committees, and progress such as committee recommendations or upcoming public hearings. At any time, our tracked bills can be viewed on our website here, and conveniently sorted by Bill Topic, i.e. Workforce Development, Budget, Tourism & Gaming, Transportation, and more (using the drop-down menu). Get Engaged: Review our tracked bills online or in the attached report. Share your concerns with us or request a bill to be tracked. We often write letters of support, submit testimony, or meet with legislators to educate them on our region’s needs. Request a weekly bill report delivered to your email by clicking here. Join our Legislative Affairs Council, which offers periodic forums with fellow members, advocates, and legislators. Attend events with your elected officials, such as the “State of Stonington and Groton” on April 5 or “Business Luncheon with Governor Ned Lamont” on April 9. Legislative Affairs Council Actively Tracking Bills During Session